Sunday, 21 August 2011

3.14 Chromosomes

- Genes control the production of protein which controls a characteristic.
- Chromosomes have a DNA that forms a shape which is called a double helix.

- chromosomes - genetic information within a cell
- in the nucleus - number of chromosomes.
- chromosomes - composed of DNA (double helix shape)

- Sections of the DNA are Genes, poissibly 1000s of genes
- genes carries information for the construction of a protein
- protein --> characteristic of the gene.

- different organisms have different number of chromosomes

- chromosomes operate in pairs - homologus pairs
- homologus nature depends on the length of the chromosomes
- position pointed out is the Gene Loci. on both homologus pairs the gene is the same at this point
- 1 version on each so in total 2 versions of each gene for one characteristics. They are called Alleles

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