Thursday, 8 September 2011

3.11 Placenta

when the child is in the uterus - water filled environment (amniotic fluids) - child cannot digest or breath or excrete

- baby obtains food - blood vessels lead from the embryo down the umbilical cord and then spread out to form placenta.
- placenta biologically grows out of the developing embryo. not out of the mother.
- blood vessels inside the placenta are the child's (veins and arteries)
- placenta grows into the lining of the uterus (wall)
- mother continues to eat and so in the blood vessel we have things like glucose, amino acids and fats. these travel through blood stream and into the wall of the uterus. they then cross into the childs blood at the placenta.
- to make this efficient the placenta has a large surface area and the barrier between the mother and childs blood is very thin.
- child produces CO2 and Urea which then goes back into the mothers blood.

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